Welcome to Mountain Dreaming!

Hi! I’m Jenna. Welcome to Mountain Dreaming! This blog is inspired by my instagram page of the same name, @mountain.dreaming, where I share photos of all the places my husband, Evan, and I have traveled to. Here I hope to bring our photos to life by sharing detailed information about the places we’ve been!

A little bit about us…
Evan and I have been together since 2011 when I was 16 and he was 18. We got engaged in 2013 and married in 2016. Back in our dating years, I remember talking on the phone late one night telling each other all the places we hoped to travel to one day. Here we are, 12 years later, doing the thing we dreamed about.
On our honeymoon, 2016

How our travels started…
When we first got married, we traveled some. We went to Jekyll Island, Georgia for our honeymoon, the upper peninsula of Michigan to salmon fish a few times, and Disney World to name a few places. Our true passion for travel set in during Covid in 2020. After “sheltering in place” for months, it was August 2020 and we were ready to get out and go somewhere! We wanted to go where we had never considered before. As we both grew up (and still live) in Ohio, both of us had only traveled within the eastern United States and the farthest west I had ever been was Illinois. 

Evan’s brother had made it a goal of his to travel to all 50 states. During his travels, he shared with us which National Parks he had been to. We had never realized there were so many national parks! As we began to look into where we wanted to go, we googled “Top 10 National Parks in the United States.” We had heard of the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite…but there was a park on the list that we had never heard of before, Grand Teton National Park. We looked it up and saw that it was only 2 hours away from Yellowstone so we thought, why not? Let’s go to two National Parks in one trip. 

One random google search and 5 days in Wyoming later we were in love with the mountains and National Parks. We got home and decided to make it our goal as a couple that we want to go to all the National Parks in the United States. So far, we have been to 18 out of the 63 in three years of traveling. We love Grand Teton so much we have been there three times so far!

Grand Teton Wyoming, 2021

As I grow this blog, I look forward to share with you the places we have been, what we liked, what we did not like, what we did right, and what we wished we had done differently. This blog will be a place for me to share our travels, not just for me to savor the memories, but also to inspire some of you to go on your own adventures!



  1. I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  2. I’m looking forward to seeing and being part of these adventures šŸ˜Š❤️

  3. You will inspire our travels starting in the next few years!!

  4. How cool! What a great idea! I always love your beautiful pictures!

    1. I don't know how I missed this comment until now, but thank you!

  5. I love seeing your travel pictures!

    1. I don't know how I missed this comment, but thank you so much!

  6. Welcome, and looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!

  7. What an inspiring story! Wishing you and Evan plenty more adventures in the years ahead!

  8. Loved reading about your story and can’t wait to follow along and see more of your adventures! Xx Sara

  9. I’m so impressed with how many National Parks you’ve seen in such a short time! Keep it up and you’ll need a new travel goal in only a few years!

  10. I think many of us who have a blog started it for that same reason! A photo is beautiful but telling the STORY behind the photo, what drew you to the place, how you felt when you made it, etc... that is what traveling is really about!
    I'm excited to follow along. (:


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